Virginia Beach Dentist Toddler Training And Brushing Habits

Dentist Virginia Beach

Parents always focus and concentrate on raising their family and giving their best to bringing up their children. Our priorities are always around providing them good nutritious food, providing them with the right cloths and home etc. Mothers get to spend a lot of time with children and teach them the basics of eating and other living skills.

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Please keep reading and you will discover more practical guidelines.

Once the baby grows up to be a toddler, mothers begin to have a tough time getting the toddler to listen. Every mother faces the same problem with her toddler that he doesn’t listen, doesn’t eat properly and refuses to dress up as required. But then mothers are always smarter and devise ways and means through which they can get their toddlers to listen and learn. While some mothers may be strict disciplinarians, enforcing a kind of formal rules and teaching the child to fall in line, there are un-conventional mums who believe in teaching the child through games, exploratory activities etc. If the mother is a strict disciplinarian she would expect her child to learn to sit at the table and eat with others as well as learn to observe table manners, where as a child who’s mother is unconventional will let him play outdoors while she feeds him. Children not only make fuss to eat but to change their cloths too. Children can be very funny when it comes to their clothing and might insist on wearing the same dress all the time because he or she likes it or refuse to change because it distracts them from playing. When it is bathing time, children of course love to have bath. Bath means playing in water and pure fun for them. They love playing with soaps for it doesn’t make their eyes burn and is fun to play with. So children love to play with soap and water and are ready for a bath any time of the day.

What about brushing? Many children think of brushing as fun and manage to gulp a lot of tooth paste too. Of course there could be children who may not take to brushing easily. However, at this stage, it is important for mothers to teach their children to brush properly. Mothers will need to find various methods by which they can imbibe this habit of brushing in their children now. First thing you would need to do at this stage is to have a discussion with the paediatric dentist and understand from him the methods of how you can start training.  You can also check with him to see which toothpaste as well as brush is most suited for your child at this age.

Trainers follow different methods and models to teach younger children. In most cases the Dentists use what is known as TBM – Tooth brushing Models. You can also try getting an animal puppet and use it as a TBM. Children will love the workshop.The second method could be to make the Child stand in front of the mirror and you guide him through brushing wherein he can look into the mirror and learn to brush. The last method could be for you to brush in front of the mirror along with the child watching and imitating you. Practical demonstration could be the most effective way to teach children at such young age.

You will need to devise ways of making the training a fun activity. Sometimes the children can be too playful and not give you attention or listen to you and in such cases get an outsider professional to handle the training session for you. With a bit of effort and smart working you can impart oral habits that will last him lifelong.

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