Facts About Stomach Flu


Gastroenteritis is an infection of the digestive system and colon. The most frequent signs or symptoms are vomiting and recurring instances of diarrhoea (3 or more episodes within 24 hours).  

The causes and remedy for gastroenteritis may differ among adults and children. In this article, we are going over stomach flu in adults.  

What can cause gastroenteritis in adults?  

Essentially the most common reasons for stomach flu in adults would be the norovirus and food poisoning. The virus disrupts one of the main functions of the digestive tract – the absorption of water from the items in your intestines into the body. That is why the most typical sign of stomach flu  is watery diarrhoea and why lack of fluids is such a typical problem  

How stomach flu spread 

Nearly all types of gastroenteritis are extremely contagious. The condition is principally spread when bacteria found in faeces are moved to the mouth area.  

Germs may be transmitted via poor hygiene. For example, if a person does not wash their hands after using the toilet, any viruses or germs on their hands will be transferred to anything they touch, such as a glass, kitchen appliance or food.  

If you contact the contaminated object and then feel your skin, or if you consume infected food, you might become infected by the virus or germs. Once infected, you will have the symptoms of stomach flu, such as throwing up and diarrhoea.  

Treating gastroenteritis

A lot of people with stomach flu  just have minor symptoms and the disease passes after a few days without treatment.

However, you might need treatment in hospital if your symptoms are serious, or if you are susceptible because of your age or another condition. This is because diarrhoea can quickly lead to dehydration which, if severe, may be deadly.

The dangers of dehydration mean that it is very important to replace fluids that are lost through throwing up and diarrhoea. You ought to consume at least 2 litres of water every day, plus 200ml of water after every occurrence of diarrhoea.  

In severe cases of stomach flu, antidiarrhoeal medication or anti-emetics (anti-sickness medication) could be recommended.  

Preventing gastroenteritis

As stomach flu  is very infectious, it is important to take steps to stop it from spreading to other people. These include:

·         washing your hands thoroughly after using the toilet and prior to eating or preparing food

·         cleaning the toilet, including the handle and the seat, with anti-bacterial after each bout of vomiting or diarrhea

·         not sharing towels, flannels, cutlery or items with other members of your household

·         not returning to work until 2 days after your last bout of vomiting or diarrhea.

About Author: Judy Kagen is health blogger writing about common cold and flu symptoms.  For more info, please visit http://dailyhealthnet.wordpress.com

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