Have you ever heard of preventive dentistry? This holds different practices children must observe to keep their gums and teeth in good condition. But not every parent sees this as an important of the wellness plan that they have for their children. This should not be the case because many dental and medical studies have already attested that poor oral hygiene can cause grave illnesses to the body like diabetes and certain cancers. Also, strong gums and teeth would keep children from experiencing pains of toothache and gum disease.
The observance of related practices may begin at home and at school. In fact, there should be a partnership between the two in educating the young ones with the much-needed information. Teachers in schools can teach children how to brush and floss properly. The parents at home would then guide the children in executing the brushing and flossing techniques they learned. The importance of routine check-ups and other procedures like teeth cleaning and application of sealants must also be discussed with children through oral health education.
Dental health for kids must be practiced as soon as babies start to drink milk. Although they do not have teeth yet, their gums are prone to damage when the sugars seep into them. A cotton ball that is wet with clean water may be used to remove the milk residue on the gums. Once children turn one year old, they must be introduced to the family dentist. Despite the absence of serious dental problems, they must drop by the clinic for routine check-ups and cleanings. This way they would feel comfortable about the idea of going to the dentist and they would not have fears in the future.
Preventive dentistry should be a partnership between the dentists and the parents. As the parents guide their children in brushing and flossing their teeth, dentists can teach some other ways by which these can be done properly. Such involvement by the dentists to advocate oral health education, can build rapport among children, parents and all the specialists in the field. Rapport can solve any issue of mistrust children might have against dentists as far as performance of certain procedures is concerned.
Another good thing that comes from early intervention is the detection of possible orthopedic problems. Early diagnosis of such problems can bring about early cure that the bones would remain strong. Use of important gears that would protect the gums and teeth when kids engage in sporting activities would also be advised in advance after early detection of the problem is made. This can save you from spending on costly procedures in the future when problems arise.
Preventive dentistry is the first step to building that self-confidence in your children. Once a child smiles and missing teeth show or bad breath start to smell, he will be an immediate object of bashing. For that matter, his esteem and socialization skills will get affected. Moving forward, pains and worries caused by therapies like root canal and teeth extraction may also be avoided. These therapies often cause fears among children.