Birth Controls And You

Modern men and women have extensively employed the use of birth controls. Birth controls or contraceptive methods are used to prevent the occurrence of pregnancy. A person may have various reasons as to what is their purpose for using birth controls. One of the common reasons to take pleasure in having sex without the consequence of getting pregnant while others are unprepared to have a family. Nevertheless, considering some factors is important in birth control selection. Lifestyle, health history, and personal preferences may play a big role in choosing which birth control is right for you. There are many birth control methods available but there may be only one that is right for you.

Doing some research on the birth controls’ failure rate may be advantageous when planning to have a birth control. The typical user rate generally recorded the failure rates.

Make an appointment to a doctor. When discussing your plans, you need to try to be honest to the doctor. The doctor may easily figure out the best form of birth control for you if he or she is given with your sexual preferences and activities.

Inquire about potential health risks associated with the various birth control options. Women who smoke and aged 35 and older are not recommended with birth control pills. If you are allergic to latex, barrier methods, like latex condoms may not be the right choice. Consulting a healthcare provider may help discuss this topic to you.

Intrauterine device (IUD) is ideal for those women who want to prevent pregnancy temporarily. Among the most popular brands of brand of IUDs is Mirena. The Mirena intrauterine devices are described as a small, flexible, T-shaped material which is fitted into a woman’s uterus. This may potentially used for as long as five years and is 99.9 percent efficient in preventing pregnancy. It is a reversible form of birth control and may be removed any time. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already released its warning to Bayer, manufacturer of Mirena IUD, because of its implausible advertising (marketing) claims and failure to disclose the product’s potential adverse side effects. The Mirena lawsuit is giving you more current updates on this matter.







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